Axel Goblet


Scaling machine learning capabilities in large organizations
Aug 10 2020

Scaling machine learning capabilities in large organizations

My colleague Bertjan Broeksema and I were invited to Demetrios Brinkmann's MLOps Community Podcast. We talked about the hurdles large organizations face when scaling their machine learning capabilities. We also discussed how these hurdles can be tackled. We had a great time. Not only could we share our vision on the topic with the MLOps community, but also the questions from the community helped us polish this vision. The podcast recording is available on various platforms.

Scheduling machine learning pipelines using Apache Airflow
20 nov 2019

Scheduling machine learning pipelines using Apache Airflow

At PyData Eindhoven 2019 I gave a workshop on scheduling machine learning pipelines using Apache Airflow. In the first plenary part of the workshop I explained what Airflow is and why I love the tool. In the second part, attendees worked on some exercises in their own Airflow cluster, which we deployed for them on AWS. My colleague Dick Abma also wrote a blog on this setup. The plenary session recording is available on Youtube.

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